Addressing Pet Odors In Your Home

by Dana-Jean LaFever 10/08/2019

Pets are such adorable creatures; they bring tremendous warmth, love, and fun to family life. Just like humans, they've all got their body odors which if left unaddressed can become very offensive. By adopting the suggestions listed below, you would be able to get rid of pet odors from your home.

  • Bathe and Groom your pet: It is important to bathe and groom your pet often to keep them as clean as you want your home as well as curb shedding in unwanted place/quantities. You can learn to appropriately bathe and groom your pet by booking a session with a professional, requesting guidance from your vet or local pet store or browsing the internet.
  • Air Your Home and Take Your Stuff Out to The Sunlight: Most times the process of eliminating odors always involve a great ton of air. Airing alone is believed to take a large part of the scent away before any other thing you do, so you should vacuum your home and every corner that your pet fancy staying to get that freshness again - open up all doors and windows so fresh air and sunlight can make its way home. Also, leave all your furniture, utilities, rugs and any other material that you have got tainted with pet odor, outside in the sunlight. Sunlight is an excellent natural bleaching agent and will help remove any smell trapped within the fibers that airing alone might not get.
  • Find the source of the odors: Before the odors, came the cause of the odors. So, find them and get rid of them. Often, the scent may already be worked up into the floors or any other part of the house not exposed to air. If its pet urine, you'll need to dry it up with paper towels or a mop. When done, you will need to use either a vinegar solution or an enzymatic cleaner to break down the odors. You may also choose to go with a professional stain and odor remover to finish the job. Whatever you do, make sure you get a cleaner that is not toxic to the health of your pets to prevent accidents.

Keeping your home smelling fresh as well as your pet does not have to be an arduous task. These suggestions will come in handy for you, and you can also visit your local pet store for nontoxic cleaners to make your home smell even more delightful.

About the Author

Dana-Jean LaFever

Hi, I'm Dana-Jean LaFever and I'd love to assist you. Whether you're in the research phase at the beginning of your real estate search or you know exactly what you're looking for, you'll benefit from having a real estate professional by your side. I'd be honored to put my real estate experience to work for you.