Tag: Mortgage

Posted on 03/30/2021
How Should Interest Rates Influence When You Buy?
Photo by Doubletree Studio via Shutterstock Interest rates rise in correlation to inflation and other economic activity. When that happens, it can increase housing costs. But the question is, should it prompt you to buy sooner than you’re ready? The Right Time Is Now In real estate, the right time is always now for someone. Is it the...
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Posted on 03/16/2021
Quick Tips for Paying off Your Mortgage
Photo by ESB Professional via Shutterstock If the thought of getting a mortgage and being in that much debt is stopping you from buying a home, plan to pay it off. Here’s how you can do it in just five to 10 years. Live well below your means. If you can keep your mortgage payment to below twenty...
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Posted on 01/05/2021
Common Loan Terms of the Jumbo Mortgage
Photo by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke via Pixabay A jumbo mortgage refers to a high-priced loan, usually meant for a luxury property. And while this loan may have once been reserved for the millionaire investors of the world, it may not be as exclusive as you think. If you're interested in what it takes to apply, it helps...
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Posted on 12/08/2020
Grow Your Portfolio with an Assumable Mortgage
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay It's easy to think that investing in real estate is an incredibly expensive venture. You may think you need thousands if not tens of thousands saved before you can even think about it. But there are ways to jumpstart your portfolio even if you're renting one of the cheapest apartments in your neighborhood....
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Posted on 08/18/2020
Mortgage: What are Points?
Photo by Precondo via Pixabay Some mortgage companies offer loans with points. In a nutshell, paying points means paying down the interest rate. One point is equal to 1 percent of the mortgage amount. On a $200,000 mortgage, one point is $2,000. The percentage the interest rate lowers depends on the mortgage company and the market. For example,...
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Posted on 03/03/2020
Image by Charles 🇵🇭 from Unsplash Part of buying a home is researching the market and your finances. Most lenders require you to put at least 20 percent down or pay private mortgage insurance (PMI). Since PMI is a cost that does not lower your interest rate or principal, it’s almost always better to save up that hefty...
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Posted on 06/25/2019
How to Save for a New Home
The idea of homeownership can seem daunting if you doubt you can save up a down payment. After all, even a modest house on a conventional mortgage requires twenty percent plus the closing costs. When saving up seems out of reach, try these creative tips to grow your nest egg: Delay gratification A lofty word for a simple...
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Posted on 04/30/2019
Ready to Buy a House?
You’ve been a renter for a long time because you knew you had wanderlust and might pick up and move at the end of your lease. Now you've stayed in the same place for a couple of years. You've put down roots and built relationships. You have a sense of community. But are you ready to buy? Buying...
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